Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dreamcore North America "Coming of Age" Mind Meld

There comes a time when a growing and thriving organization does more outreach to it's customers and Partners. It is a time when a level of momentum has built up. A time when there is a broad range of happy customers who want to share mutual commitment down the road. Customers who are depending upon your company to solve increasingly sophisticated business challenges. Individuals immersing their careers in your approach. And Partners who are building substantial aspects of their business model around your product.

Well folks, that time arrived here in North America for Sitecore today. Sitecore launched its Dreamcore Developer and Partner Conference- and it is a more than sold out event I'm pleased to report! There are presenters from multiple roles within Sitecore, ranging from the CEO to product architects, developers, marketing and field support and sales. And attendees range from hard core Sitecore, C#, XSLT and Visual Studio geeks, Business Users and website managers, to Informations architects, and Business Developement types at partners.

Best of all-it is a real conversation. Lots of tweets following the dreamcore hashtag, and lively sessions with interactive strategic and roundtable Panels including President of Sitecore USA Bjarne Hansen,VP of Partner and Client engagement Jason Crea, and CEO Michael Seifert.

You can sense some the excitement and see Dreamcore with live video coverage from the event's first day.

There is much more coming this evening and tomorrow, but a new milestone has been reached in Sitecore's history in North America. And no doubt, the conversation will continue to more exciting heights together.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sitecore's Dreamcore more powerful than a hot Volcano!

The anticipating and excitement is building about Dreamcore, the Sitecore Developer and Partner Conference. The North American event, which is sold out and on extended capacity, is in downtown Boston next Thursday and Friday. The month following it will travel to Copenhagen for the European Community.

Dreamcore is loaded with web best practices and insight for the growing talented partner base that implements Sitecore solutions. Also in attendance are certified Developers from the End user community, so key to ongoing success. All of our technical presenters and the entire community is tweeting and blogging and amped up about it.... in fact so much excitement built up in Iceland that a volvano literally blew its stack!

Actually, this volcano really is a bit of a troublemaker. We have a number of presenter coming from around the world, some of whom are now making plans to travel around the crazy and disruptive volcanic ash that has spewn out of Iceland. This particle laden cloud is blowing all over Northern Europe. In particular our Danish colleagues are facing airport closures - but their optimism is strong! I mean after all, didn't they sail to North America from Scandinavia in wooden boats a along time ago, and that was before mobile GPS devices!

It's bizare, but our Dreamcore image, seen above, looks alot like this crazy volcano in a sunset:

Anyway, as much as it looks like it, we didn't plan our image to look like a Volvanic Sunset, but we are planning on a spectacular event nonetheless, the volvano notwithstanding. Hope to see you all there and stay tuned as we tweet and blog about it!